2024 Petitions:
Avon Blasting
Randolph Shuttle Van
Progress Pride Flag
2023 Petitions:
BAT #12 Bus for Randolph
Municipal Holiday Petition
Term Limit Petition
Welcoming Town Petition
2022 and earlier:
Absentee Voting Petition
Redistricting Petition
Presidential Decorum Petition
Free School Meals Petition

Randolph Petitions

  • The list of petitions to the left are all related to Randolph Massachusetts and surrounding towns, and are petitions in which Town Councilor Jesse Gordon, and State Committeewoman Kathleen Crogan-Camara participated.

  • Those colored gray aren't active in 2024 (but if you're interested, we could reactivate!). Those with yellow highlight are active -- click on the link for details.

  • Randolph is blessed with a Town Charter that allows the people to petition the government directly (rules below; not every town has such a petition method!). The people can file a petition with 150 signatures and get a hearing, or 250 signatures and require a vote. If the vote is negative, the people can further petition to put the issue onto the public ballot.

  • Jesse and Kathleen filed the first petition ever filed, in 2018, under the Town Charter. That petition was successful. The others are in various levels of completion toward success or failure -- you can help on any of them!

  • Please sign the petitions you believe in. And please come to public meetings in Randolph to tell your story -- the Randolph Town Council and School Committee very much value public input!

    Jesse Gordon & Kathleen Crogan-Camara
    c/o Randolph United
    P.O. Box 448
    Randolph MA 02368
    (617) 320-6989


Section 7-6. Petitions To Council Or School Committee The town council or the school committee shall hold a public hearing and act with respect to every petition which is addressed to it, which is signed by 150 voters, or more, and which seeks the passage of a measure. The hearing shall be held by the town council or the school committee, or, in either case, by a committee or subcommittee thereof and the action by the town council or the school committee shall be taken not later than 3 months after the petition is filed with the clerk of the council or the administrative assistant to the superintendent, as may be appropriate. Hearings on 2 or more petitions filed under this section may be held at the same time and place. The clerk of the council or the administrative assistant to the superintendent shall mail notice of the hearing to the 10 persons whose names appear first on the petition at least 48 hours before the hearing. Notice, by publication of all such hearings, shall be at public expense.

    Section 7.6 above was the Charter method for the petition submitted to the School Committee in 2018-19, and is planned for submission to the Town Council for 2024. Section 7.7 below was the Charter petition method for submission of the Mobility Hub in 2023.

Section 7-7. Citizen Initiative Measures (a) Commencement - Initiative procedures shall be started by the filing of an initiative petition with the clerk of the council or the administrative assistant to the superintendent, as the case may be. The petition shall be addressed to the town council or to the school committee, shall contain a request for the passage of a particular measure, which shall be set forth in full in the petition, and shall be signed by at least 250 registered voters as of the date of the most recent town election. Signatures to an initiative petition need not all be on 1 paper, but all such papers pertaining to any 1 measure shall be fastened together and shall be filed as a single instrument, with the endorsement thereon of the name and residence address of the person designated as filing the same. With each signature on the petition, there shall also appear the street and number of the residence of each signer. [Approved 11-5-2013 Town Election]

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© 2017-2024 Jesse Gordon
52 West Street, Randolph MA 02368 (617) 320-6989 Jesse @ jessegordon . com